The Battle For Everglade


The Battle For Everglade


353 円 (税抜き)

A toy craze sweeps the world, backed by a sinister new company... When the mysterious businessmen from NATAS Inc. convince the world's largest toy company to launch their new range of action figures, a dark power is unleashed and a sleepy suburb is caught up in a desperate battle between the might of Heaven and the evil forces of Hell. Only the amazing array of God's Special Force Angels, coupled with the incredible power of prayer, stands in the way of the enemy. The Battle for Everglade has begun... The first installment of the UAB Chronicles, telling the stories of creation's greatest superheroes... For the child in everyone. ? Extract: A sliding door to the right opened. A red flashing light appeared over it, and the voice on the PA system started up again. “Drop Delta is now commencing. Angels, please board the Earth shuttle and sit in your assigned seats.” ???? The group of angels filed one by one through the sliding door. Tilon estimated that nearly two hundred angels were boarding. As he stepped through the door, he ducked down the aisle of the Angel Shuttle. Finding his seat, he flicked at the touch screen and checked his ID, intended destination, and name of his assignment. He sat down and strapped him?self into the seat. ????? A klaxon sounded, and the shuttle doors closed with a hiss. Every seat was full. The engines’ start-up whine filled the air, and the craft started to move, slowly at first, then diving like a rollercoaster, faster and faster towards the Earth. Tilon watched the progress of the shuttle on the monitor in front of his seat. At full speed it transformed from a metallic tube into a fiery winged angel diving out of the sky toward the Earth. ??? “Not long now!” said the angel in the next seat. “We’ll be dropped off any minute!” Tilon checked that his backpack straps were firmly secured. He tried to remember all his training. A low siren started to sound through the shuttle cabin. The monitor in front of him changed from showing the shuttle craft streaking towards Earth to the words “Angel Drop in Progress.” Already, angels at the front of the cabin were being launched from their seats as the craft flew over their intended destinations. His turn would come very soon. ???? His monitor suddenly changed to a ten-second count?down, his name flashing between each number. Tilon held his breath; he was on his way. An almighty sound of rushing wind filled his ears, and Tilon felt himself drop from his seat. Within seconds he found himself down on Earth, and at the same time he felt himself changing from his angel form into a small, stiff statue ? a medieval knight. He felt a sudden click as his backpack detached, but he didn’t panic as he knew it was being automatically diverted to a hide near his drop site. ???? This is it, he told himself. He closed his eyes in a silent prayer.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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launch slowly between remember Chronicles