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DANGER FROM THE OTHER SIDE WRITTEN BY NICHOLE HAINES ?2017 Nichole Haines I thought it was a nice day to go up to New York City for the day and walk around and get some relaxing time from my data entry job sitting in front of a computer all day typing all day. I wanted to get away from my everyday boring life. I haven’t been to New York city in years so I thought it would be nice to go and visit a museum for the day and just relax. I decided to tell my boss that I wanted to request a few days off to get a few nice days of vacation time in. I decided that it was probably best to wait to request off until the end of the week. I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost time for me to clock out for the day. I got out of my computer chair and walked toward the building elevators. I was on the fifty-fifth floor and I had to go down to the ground level of my office building to get to my car in the parking garage. I got on the elevator and the doors closed. I pushed the ground level button, but the elevator stopped on the thirty-fifth floor. The elevator doors slowly opened and a man with a business suit on got on the elevator. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked like he was in his mid 30’s. He smiled at me as he walked in and the doors closed. As the elevator was slowly going down to the ground level floor, he looked at me and said “Summer you know who I am and I want you to accompany me.” As he said that my heart began to race because fear came over me. He looked at me and laughed in an evil tone to himself and then he got off on the twentieth floor. I decided to get something to drink at the cafeteria because I felt weak and felt like I was going to pass out. As I was standing there somebody tapped me on the shoulder, so I turned around. It was my old Russian boyfriend Anton from years ago. I haven’t seen him in years since the year 2000. I asked him what he was doing in my building and he said he was there to update some computer software in the building. It was really nice to see him after all these years. He told me he was going through a divorce with his wife right now. As I was walking away from the cafeteria Anton asked me if I would like to come over to his place to have some coffee with him like I used to when we were younger. I thought to myself well having a cup of coffee with him wouldn’t hurt, so I agreed to meet him at his place later on that evening. As I was pulling up to his house I noticed his younger brother Eli was sitting out on the porch drinking vodka. Anton greeted me outside as I pulled up in my car. They lived in a four bedroom contemporary style house, my kind of style house. As I walked into the house two cats came up to me and wanted to be petted as I tried to walk by them. Anton asked me to sit down at the living room table with him to drink coffee with me. As we were sitting there he said “Summer I want us to go out together again.” I still liked him but I knew from the past his parents didn’t like me because I was American and I wasn’t Jewish. He said he had to go to a friend’s funeral next week and it would be the perfect time for us to spend some time together. His brother came in with a few of his guy friends and they started drinking vodka. The two cats that greeted me earlier started to sharply claw at my legs. Anton seemed to disappear and I was sitting there trying to fight off these cats clawing at me. I then peeked around the corner and saw Anton sitting at a computer doing some sort of drug, when I asked him what he was doing he said he was doing acid. He then asked me if I wanted some but I refused. Anton mom came home and she was not very happy seeing me sitting there, but even though I knew she didn’t really like me she made me some really good Russian food for me to eat. As I was sitting there I kept wondering what was going through this psychologist’s head about me. I asked her if I could use their bathroom and she told me to use their upstairs bathroom. As I was walking up the stairway the stairs started to crumble up, like they were fake. It was almost like I was in some kind of computer simulation or some kind of game or something. Everything went completely black and I was sitting back in my office chair. A few coworkers were sitting around me and all of a sudden we heard a loud whooshing sound outside of the building we all ran to the window. There were UFO’s in the distance and people in the office started disappearing in the office. Everybody started running around in panic and started hiding in fear that they were going to be taken next. As I quickly ran to a closet I noticed some of the people were returned into the building and they were in a zombie type state and they were trying to eat other people’s flesh. I found a Bible on the floor in the closet and when I opened the Bible I noticed the pages were completely blank. I studied the Bible for years and at that point I remembered a verse that said God’s word would be taken away eventually. Amos 8:11-12 11"Behold, days are coming,"declares the Lord GOD, "When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the LORD. 12"People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, But they will not find it.… I put the Bible down and began to cry. Anton found me hiding in the closet crying. He said I needed to get home and get some sleep. I told him that I would go straight home to sleep. I got into my self driving car and told it to drive me home. My self driving car wasn’t driving me home. It was taking me back to the office with the UFO chaos. I tried to redirect the car but it wouldn’t listen to me. The car parked in front of the office building and stopped. I ran back into the office building and ran toward the elevators and decided I was going to find Anton again. I got on the elevator and it stopped on the thirty-fifth floor. The same man that was on the elevator earlier got into the elevator. He looked at me with an evil cold stare and once again said “Summer you know who I am and I want you to accompany me.” At that point I knew who he was. He was disguising himself as a man, but he was Satan! “I looked at him and screamed I will never join you or your kingdom. I believe in God.” I ran out of the office building and ran towards my car. I got in my car and started driving away. As I was driving I noticed a futuristic looking airplane in the sky flying above my car. The futuristic plane was able to land safely in the distance, but it began to fly again. I was still in the car and I saw that the plane was coming down really low towards the car like it was going to crash on top of me, before it crashed on top of my car, I did a backward roll out of the of the car and ran to the nearest building and ran inside the building before it crashed on top of me. I quick turned around to see who was flying it and it was Satan in his disguise of a business man. I decided it was best to run on foot. As I went back outside all of a sudden something sucked me up in the sky. I was then in a restaurant with a bunch of strangers and also some of my family members were there too. They were all laughing drinking and eating and drinking alcohol. I noticed everybody had an RFID implant inside their right hand. I was the only one that didn’t have one. A man with glasses there told us all to go into the auditorium that they had in the restaurant. So we all sat down in the seats and the guy with the glasses on came in. As he was standing in the front of us I noticed that he wasn’t a average man. As he was talking I realized he was a demon disguising it self as a man. So I quick got out of my seat and ran out before he saw me. I ran outside and realized I was outside again in the dark and everything looked the same as it did before I got sucked up into the sky. As I was walking I saw a shinny glass futuristic looking building up ahead. I decided to continue to the glass building and the doors opened automatically for me. I walked in the building and Anton was sitting in the middle of the building along with a huge computer in front of him. The computer was making a creepy humming noise as I silently stood there. As I looked at the computer I noticed it said Quantum computer on the side of it. As I was walking towards Anton in tears and disbelief Satan appeared in thin air in front of me like a hologram. He said “Summer you are the last person on the Earth that needs to be chipped”. I looked at him and said no I will never get the RFID implant. Anton looked at me and said to me that this wasn’t my true reality and that it was a fabricated reality due to the quantum computers. He explained to me that quantum computers were up and running since the year 2003. At that point I remember the Bible verse that states that knowledge will be increased and God will allow Satan to take over. Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. The Quantum computer was clearly messing up the time and fabricating my reality. I then remembered the Bible verse Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. As I was looking at Anton I real画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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making almost fabricating cafeteria airplane