Steamy & Salacious in Morocco


Steamy & Salacious in Morocco


320 円 (税抜き)

Morocco. Marrakesh. Mint tea. Thea sits in the old city sipping her favorite drink surrounded by memories when her reverie is interrupted by a stranger wearing an abaya, a headscarf and huge dark sunglasses. As the woman takes off her glasses, Thea imagines removing her clothing and much more. Thea and the woman, Sumeya discover they have interests in common, but as they wander through the narrow alleys of the medina, Sumeya does not wait until they are hidden from sight to take what she wants. A Moroccan home with a courtyard, fountain and cool tiles underfoot is the setting for their final frenzied, yet steamy, tryst where Thea discovers the delights that a long flowing cloak has concealed from the rest of the world画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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