Gender at the Border Entrepreneurship in Rural Post-Socialist Hungary


Gender at the Border Entrepreneurship in Rural Post-Socialist Hungary


6,300 円 (税抜き)

Looking at two contrasting border regions, one in western Hungary, one in the east of the country, this volume is the first to combine an examination of border related issues with gender and economic development. By comparing and critically analyzing the relative levels of encouragement of entrepreneurial activities and gender differences, it highlights the importance of borders within the changing European Union. Despite the assumption that entrepreneurship would be strongest near the western border with Austria, the findings show that, on the contrary, many women in western Hungary would rather avoid the risk of being self-employed by getting well-paid jobs in Austria or working for foreigners, while in the east of the country, entrepreneurship was often the only possible way of earning a living. It also highlights the importance of setting up a business to the empowerment of women in both regions, by giving them a bigger decision-making role in the family.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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