New Life in Christ Christian’S Instructions for Growth with Exercises


New Life in Christ Christian’S Instructions for Growth with Exercises


1,144 円 (税抜き)

Whenever a person comes to a new place or position, they always require guidance and directions to help them function or move correctly. This is absolutely true in the case where one becomes a Christian; they need guidance on their newfound faith, and this is the purpose of this book New Life in Christ. It clearly addresses the many intricacies and the basics of growing up in the Lord, through topics like the following: | What happens when one becomes a Christian? | Practicing the New life | The company you keep | Church Involvement | What is holiness? | Reading the Bible and other Christian literatures | Is Salvation sinless perfection? | Staying right with God | Learning to take responsibility and so forth As individuals are naturally born into the human family once, there remains a demanding need for them to be born again into Gods family. Thereafter, they have to undergo a meticulous spiritual growth, and New Life in Christ spells it all out, encouraging them to order their lives by the principles and the obligations of Gods word.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always through newfound position growth