A Stained White Veil


A Stained White Veil


774 円 (税抜き)

RICHMOND, VA., C.S.A., April, 1865. The South is dying. The Civil War nears its bloody conclusion, and the Confederacy is losing. President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet escape the burning city carrying the life's blood of the Cause- the remaining Treasury of the Confederacy. During his escape, Davis transfers the gold to General Nathan Bedford Forrest for transport to Mexico. Or does he? Where is the Southern gold? And who are the Klan of the Gold Circle?' ATLANTA, GA., U..S.A., August, 2003. Bi-racial couples all over the South are being murdered by an unknown society, Mystic symools and written in blood on the walls and on the bodies of the victins. When the terror hits home, Max Howard asks Thomas Patrick and Bobby Hemphill to investigate the crimes- and stop the perpetrators before there is no turning back. Who would commit such heinous crimes? What possible purpose could they serve? And what is the ultimate goal of the masterminds behind them? "A Stained White Veil" The Second Novel in the Peachtree Street Chronicles Series画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bodies victins Chronicles escape perpetrators