Putting Fairy Tales to Shame Loving Jesus Through Dating, Marriage, Sex, and Womanhood


Putting Fairy Tales to Shame Loving Jesus Through Dating, Marriage, Sex, and Womanhood


468 円 (税抜き)

Having lived in this world, weve been fed devious lies about the true definitions of love and romance. We have been tangled in a cycle of misconceptions and heartbreakimprisoning our feminine souls. Enough hearts have been broken, and a revival is on its way. The time has come to overwhelm the lies and reveal to this world the true definition of love: Jesus love. God has written the most romantic love story, and since the beginning of time, we have been living in the center of it. It is time to take up the role we have been given as daughters of the lighta light of joy, hope, romance, and freedom. Dare to be fulfilled. Dare to be romanced. Dare to be swept up in a love youve never felt before. Its a love thats putting fairy tales to shame.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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devious hearts romance feminine beginning