Pushed out the Crack House into God’S House How to Allow Your Past to Push You into Your Destiny


Pushed out the Crack House into God’S House How to Allow Your Past to Push You into Your Destiny


468 円 (税抜き)

Have you ever lost hope in life because of your past? Has a situation taken hold of you? Are you a backslider? Its okay! It is never too late to be who God has created you to be. NOW, is the acceptable time for you to allow your past to push you into your destiny! God led me from a house that had crack in it to the only person who was capable of filling those cracks in me. His name is Jesus Christ and He will make right all the wrongs in your life if you allow Him to. Pushed Out the Crack House tells how I was pushed from a bad situation into something greater, it just so happened that my bad situation was an actual crack house. Were you once in a bad situation; or do you find yourself in one now? Does it seem as if your past is holding you back? The Lord hears your cry! If someone once told you that youre hopeless, like they told me; or maybe you told yourself thisthen this book is for YOU! Jesus has a destiny for my life and he has one for yours and He will use your past to get you there. www.minoradjustments.org画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
backslider created holding yourself something