The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541?1883) in the Kingdom of Chile


The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541?1883) in the Kingdom of Chile


1,144 円 (税抜き)

The Mapuches accomplished what the mighty Aztec and Inca empires failed so overwhelming to do- to preserve their independence, and keep the Spanish invaders at bay. The Mapuche infantry played a vital role in the Araucanian war, from the initial of the conquest in 1541 to 1883. The goals of this book: a) To provide an overview of the military aspects weaponry, armory, the horse, and tactic, strategy facing the Mapuches; at the beginning of the Spanish conquest. b) To provide an overview, of the military superiority enjoyed, by the Spanish army, in addition, the role of the Auxiliary Indian. c) To point out how, by military innovations, and adaptation in the face of Araucanian war, the Mapuches managed to resist Spanish military campaigns, for over 300 years.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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infantry enjoyed mighty provide independence