Igmns: International Graphic Music Notation System


Igmns: International Graphic Music Notation System


468 円 (税抜き)

At a glance, iGMNS gives information such as which hand or foot is playing, types of notes, and timing. With iGMNS, one can text music compositions through cell phone and computer keyboards. Although iGMNS can be used with regular music staff lines, iGMNS has its own sheet music, which incorporates the DL (drum line) between the music staff lines. iGMNS can be used for drum sets and for drums such as cajn, cowbell, cymbal, doumbek, conga, tabla, shekere, and udu. Because iGMNS is not dependent on any particular language, it is culturally neutral and international.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language computer Although shekere Because