Your Heart Beats for Him A Caregiver’S Heart Transplant Journey


Your Heart Beats for Him A Caregiver’S Heart Transplant Journey


468 円 (税抜き)

If youre the spouse, caregiver or loved one of someone who needs a heart transplant, what should you expect? Pamela Washnock fills a void in the existing literature by sharing her inspirational story of taking care of her husband, Bob, who was diagnosed with abnormal heart rhythms in 2000. If Bobs heart were to beat too fast, he could pass out and never wake up. Fortunately, an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator works well for many years, detecting abnormal rhythms and giving his heart a shock when needed. But in 2011, Pamela learns Bob will need a new heart. At first, no suitable match can be found. Doctors insert a left ventricular assist device into his chest, or LVAD, which is a mechanical pump that helps a weakened heart pump blood. When Bob finally gets a new heart, life remains hardand in some waysgets even worse. He must take a variety of medications, all of which affect him in different ways. See the journey of a heart transplant patient through a caregivers eyes, and find out what obstacles you may need to overcome if your loved one has a heart problem.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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obstacles caregiver >Pamela transplant Washnock