The Atlantean Imprint


The Atlantean Imprint


607 円 (税抜き)

When Alexa suddenly begins experiencing excruciating headaches and delusions of a culture and people she doesnt immediately recognize, she wonders if shes losing her mind. But the murder of one of her parents employees and the subsequent shooting of her mother and cousin suddenly forces her to re-evaluate her visions. As memories resurface of her life in Atlantis, Alexa is driven to write them down in unerring detail. While events unfold in the present that uncannily resemble the past, Alexa knows that her Atlantean love, Danu, has promised to find her in this lifetime, but will Danu be able to do so before Xynu, back in this lifetime, attempts to ruin them all? The Atlantean Imprint takes you on a journey into a culture that no longer exists. With advanced spiritual knowledge of the universal oneness, crystals, and the Earths energy, the Atlanteans had created an idyllic way of life. And yet they abused their gifts and lost it all. Or did they? Thanks to a few who were chosen to imprint, Atlantis and all its knowledge could rise again.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer resemble abused experiencing employees