A foster childs pain and challenges are very real, as are their successes and failures. Take a look into a world where foster children and natural children grow side by side, experiencing life together and seeing some of those results. These true stories display deep feelings each child experienced as they walked through both disappointments and achievements. These accounts are from the perspective of the young girl who grew up on a farm with her parents, 4 natural children, and 22 foster children. Each child special in their own way and all of them like a sibling to her. Her story offers a unique perspective of the trials, blessings, joys and struggles that come from being a natural child in a foster care home. She shares her journey through her eyes as a child, a teenager and even as an adult. Her perspective shows the adventures and challenges while illustrating the life lessons learned and how she applies them today.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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