First Move of the Anti-Christ


First Move of the Anti-Christ


468 円 (税抜き)

Written from the standpoint that Satans onslaught of the human race began as a result of his success with his temptation of Eve, and continues still today, First Move of the Antichrist tell a story beginning with the temptation in the garden. The story builds credence with the introduction of humans that had been the preliminary creation of God from the very beginning. It is a story of violence, hatred, and loss of innocence told as it might have occurred using the premise in scripture that there was no man to till the ground until God created Adam. The story gives life and personality to the fathers of the Old Testament and builds to a cataclysmic end as it lays the groundwork for the first move of the antichrist.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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created violence >Written scripture continues