The Mucker Revolt The Aneksaria Book 1


The Mucker Revolt The Aneksaria Book 1


660 円 (税抜き)

For a thousand years, the Frame and its machine empire had ruled the people of Inalsol. A small group of Muckers struggled for survival in a semi arctic mountainous district known as Garvamore. In other places the Divines, a dehumanised elite, treat Muckers as slaves. Only in Garvamore can Muckers have any semblance of freedom. A small group fight for the survival and future of the human race of Inalsol, building their strength in secret until discovered by the Frame. The Frame will destroy them and all hope for the people unless they defeat the technologically superior Frame in battle against all odds.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against defeat battle empire district