Offbeat With Oxnard’S Finest


Offbeat With Oxnard’S Finest


468 円 (税抜き)

Cops everywhere have their stories. The retired police officers of the Oxnard Police Department are no exception. Like the stories told by officers anywhere, Oxnard PD's stories, too, seem to grow each time they are retold until few can offer an iron-clad guarantee that they are today the way the stories actually unfolded then. Some officers, however, offer an iron-clad guarantee that these stories reflect their current memory. Offbeat is a collection of their stories. In another sense, they represent the stories of all police departments everywhere for it is these stories that provide the perspective necessary for sanity in, at times, an insane world. Offbeat is the humor behind the badge.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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necessary insane provide officers Oxnard