Skidding in Sideways A Southern Gentleman’S Tale


Skidding in Sideways A Southern Gentleman’S Tale


468 円 (税抜き)

Douglas Doc McBride is a self-proclaimed southern redneck who has not wasted one minute of his time on Earth. As an ordinary man and a product of a not-so-ordinary world, McBride shares a heartwarming and often amusing glimpse into his varied experiences as he matured from a boy into a man. Raised during simpler times in a military family, McBride recalls a childhood in which chores and homework were tackled before anything else, children roamed freely outside, and gopher hunting was encouraged. Part of a military family that moved from place to place, McBride received a global education that took him from the Arctic to the Orient. But as McBride describes, all was not sunshine and roses. At eighteen, he made one of the worst decisions of his lifeone that landed him in one of the worst of places. This lesson started him on a quest to find himself by many paths including martial arts, eventually finding his way to a diverse career and to happiness. Skidding in Sideways, a tale of accomplishment, struggle, defeat and redemption, is the true story of one mans trials and tribulations as he learned to embrace life and all its lessons with love, excitement, and an adventuresome spirit.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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