Leveling the Playing FieldーPart I What You Need to Know to Develop a Financial Game Plan


Leveling the Playing FieldーPart I What You Need to Know to Develop a Financial Game Plan


1,144 円 (税抜き)

Nowhere in the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence does it say that anyone is entitled to certainty in anything. All we can do is be as prepared as we can for the uncertainty life throws at usparticularly in the field of finance. Dealing with financial challenges requires careful planning. Regardless of whether you will face unemployment, sickness, or something worse, you can take steps now that will help you and your loved ones in the future. You can also fix damaging behavior and improve your management of risk. Being happy and accomplishing your goals could be as simple as saying yes to an opportunity. In this financial guidebook, youll learn how to balance demands from family, friends, and colleagues; embrace challenges you face with your spouse or significant other; pick investments that match your risk tolerance; pay for college, retirement, health care, and other major expenses. Preparing for financial challenges now will pay off in the future. Build wealth, take advantage of opportunities, and discover a better way of managing your finances with Leveling the Playing Field.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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colleagues certainty uncertainty investments throws