Love and Other Chemical Imbalances


Love and Other Chemical Imbalances


468 円 (税抜き)

David Carter hates the cheap, paper-thin, blue-green swath of inadequacy better known as his carpet; he is disappointed in what it says about him as a man. A disgruntled architect, frustrated husband, and debt-ridden homeowner, David is a man of many unfulfilled ambitionsuntil he discovers a brilliant portrait hidden within the superstructure of his suburban home. While the portrait awakens David to a world of artistic potential, it also contains a cryptic message that encourages him to fanatically search his house for more art. But as he topples one wall of his house after the other, his life begins to fall apart around him. After his wife files for divorce and he is fired from his job, David realizes his mistakes have compounded into a self-destructive and colossal supernova. But he doesnt care; he is more determined than ever to unearth the final portrait and find the artist who prompted his life-changing transformation. Love and Other Chemical Imbalances is the compelling story of one mans unpredictable journey as he obsessively attempts to create something extraordinary out of his ordinary life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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artist ordinary message awakens better