Women Looking for a Man God Couldn’T Find “Commit Thy Works Unto the Lord, and Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established!” Proverbs 16:3


Women Looking for a Man God Couldn’T Find “Commit Thy Works Unto the Lord, and Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established!” Proverbs 16:3


1,033 円 (税抜き)

The information in this book is just another way of looking at situations in marriages and relationships; how a woman chooses a man; the dangers that lead to committing suicide; Biblical guidance for believers and non-believers; this book can be used to help women from becoming a victim of abuse; or being murdered or stuck in a cage or being a prisoner in their own homes. The information in this book will also help women not to wallow in their past mistakes; and be able to see warning signs so they wont overlook them; this book will serve as guidance to women that when they communicate it keeps them from procrastination and from suffering many painful regrets.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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