OgmiosーMessenger from the Light End Times Defense Against Evil


OgmiosーMessenger from the Light End Times Defense Against Evil


660 円 (税抜き)

On February 1, 2017, John received direction from Jesus Christ. He was told he will receive communication from two angels in the following weeks, and he was given direction to put their words into a book and provide their messages to Gods people. This book is the result. The book was completed in twenty-one days, from February 11, 2017, to March 3, 2017. It contains thirty-two sequential messages from Saint Michael the Archangel and Ogmios the Celtic deity. The messages are to provide inspiration and strength to Gods people. The book is to prepare Gods people to defend themselves against the demons and evil entities, which will be unleashed in the end times. The messages are poignant and will provide strength not only to Christians but also to those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts. The book provides strength for the upcoming battle against the evil forces in the end times. It also provides dictation for recipes on holy water and holy oil and guidelines for making a holy talisman and ensuring your home is a holy fortress in Jesuss name. There is also a dictation from Saint Michael the Archangel on performing an exorcism ceremony.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against thirty hearts Christians dictation