Too Much Snow


Too Much Snow


468 円 (税抜き)

It was a cold and snowy day. Little Lamb watched from the window as the snow covered the ground. He was bored so he decided to go out and play. Much to Little Lamb's surprise none of his friends wanted to join him. They turned him down one by one simply because it was too much snow. Little Lamb began to make giant snowballs and discovered that he can have fun all by himself. In fact he had so much fun that he heard a small voice asking to join him. Did Little Lamb's friends decide to join him after all? The book Too Much Snow teaches children the importance of self love, and entertainment. It captures children's imagination and it's a sure way to put a smile on your child's face.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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