Want to lose weight? Listen to the next pop-culture fad diet or exercise routine and youre bound to end up where most Americans are; done with diets, bored with working out, and out of options. But then David Beares, Primitive Health and Fitness Expert, and owner of 39 Minute Workout, comes along and shatters all of our assumptions. And he has the audacity to point out something painfully obvious. We were healthy and lean for the bulk of human history. And we DIDN'T get there counting calories and lifting 5lb dumbbells. In this simple to follow book, David lays out his Three Pillar solution to be the leanest, sexiest, and healthiest person you have ever been. But HOW he tells you to get there may shock you...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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