Ketone Descendants


Ketone Descendants


660 円 (税抜き)

It began with a Ten-tailed monster, created by witchcraft and magic and spanned 200 years. Epic battles had been waged, won and lost. Murder and intrigue was everywhere and witches and demons coveted the power of the Ketone. The witches were awed by the creatures power. Its ten tails held the power of nine other animals, a lizard for the first tail, a phoenix on the second tail. With an owl for the third, a lemur at the fourth. The furious power of the ox was the fifth. The dark heart of the wolf sat at the sixth and at the seventh tail sat the eagle. The self-centred but kind cat was the eighth and finally, the cunning but honest fox at the ninth. These combined powers made the perfect weapon. Book 4 of the Ketone series closes the loop in the 200 year history of the Ketone and Ketonia as it races to the final chapter.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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history series second closes honest