The Power of Vision Transforming Your Vision into Reality


The Power of Vision Transforming Your Vision into Reality


468 円 (税抜き)

Holistic success for many has been indefinite, given a plethora of complex challenges facing young people, let alone, males at any one time. As for the author, he started out with an abstract vision of reality. However, over a relatively short time frame he managed to move at an alarming rate using the power of a clear vision. As such, he has taken the audacity to recount his experiences as a source of motivation and inspiration which hopefully will impact different sects of people. Living within the volatile community of Mountain View, he saw many events unfolded including bloodsheds, excruciating pains, calamities, untimely deaths and hopelessness. Coupled with that, after failing all subjects at Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC-CXC) during high school, his broad vision of becoming an expert in the field of Hospitality and Tourism seemed further elusive. At different times, real pressure, challenges, and hard times were some of the things he had to contend with. Nevertheless, as night follows day and as smoke follows fire, it was only a matter of time before his vision shaped into reality. Certainly a clear vision does matter! With determination and focus each person can systematically achieve whatever your mind any conceive. Indeed, everything in its time. If you are experiencing a challenge especially during college life or you are a high school drop-out, or you simply would like to make your current lifestyle better, this book is written especially for you. You too can make the needed changes from within and then periodically transform your immediate environment and become MOST of what you really hope to realize.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
Living experiencing elusive matter Tourism