Pi Inc. (A Fictional Novel About a Chicago Cop Turned Miami Private Investigator)


Pi Inc. (A Fictional Novel About a Chicago Cop Turned Miami Private Investigator)


468 円 (税抜き)

Patrick was apprehensive about leaving Chicago behind but he had no one there to hold him back. * Flo, his wife of 20 years, had been taken by cancer two years ago and his grown twin sons both lived on the west coast. They had their families and couldnt visit him except on rare special occasions. Besides, travel from Oregon to Miami wasnt much further than from Oregon to Chicago. The shock of going from the frigid Lake Michigan cold into the balmy 74 Miami sunshine made Pat struggle to shake off the shock to his system. Hey there, Irishman, Pat was welcomed by Captain LRosa as he was retrieving his two pieces of luggage from the carousel Hey yourself, you old Wop! Look at you! Bermuda shorts, flowered shirt and flip-flops. And that bronze tan and sun-bleached hair (what there is left of it)! You really look the part of a transplanted Chicago South-Sider, Patrick shot back.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
flowered further Besides Irishman -bleached