Potholes Poems with Mindful Ways of Escape


Potholes Poems with Mindful Ways of Escape


468 円 (税抜き)

The book Potholes consists of a series of poems written to help readers grow in confidence and self-efficacy. Each poem contains a pothole- a difficult situation that confronts most students (and many adults) along with solutions that often work. With the majority of the poems written in the first person, I, the author makes a clarion call for initiative, which ignites a sense of responsibility among readers. The poems drive critical thinking, character building, collaboration, mental discipline, and the pursuit of education. The speaker in the poems varies from student, to teacher, to parent, making this book of poetry one that unites a community and one to be enjoyed by all. Many of the poems were inspired by the authors own three children when they faced similar childhood and teenage challenges. The book is illustrated by the authors older son.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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building clarion ignites challenges adults