It takes one great mind to create the greatest weapon, but one even greater to become its host. This weaponised technology allows one man above all, to become indestructible, due to an extremely rare and virtually unheard of ability to control the beat of his heart, however terrifying or adrenaline-fuelled any given situation, forcing his brain to operate beyond intelligence, making a super computer appear as a childs toy. Its enemy, however, is an army built of perfected robotic technology of the twenty-third century. This nation of drones are controlled by children who are trained to believe its a game and will only go without punishment if they treat it as such. One childs passion and respect for the game means he fights only for revenge and what he believes is right. The United Kingdom, like the rest of the world, has a common enemy as the USA face Britain as their last assault, that will finally allow the president to be the first to achieve world domination. Only, the unforeseen force of this tiny country proves to be too much of a task. As they have a unique defence that only pure royal blood can control, leaving the queen with the power of the phoenix to unleash the fury of long-forgotten ancient warriors from myth and legend.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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