A Godly Leader on Trial : a Fresh Look at Nehemiah


A Godly Leader on Trial : a Fresh Look at Nehemiah


774 円 (税抜き)

For Church leaders in the twenty-first century who subscribe to the Inerrancy of the Bible and its authority in all matters of life and practice, change is necessary for the spiritual growth of the Church. The goal is to prepare Christian leaders to obey their creed by leading through biblical guidance. In his analysis of the leadership principles and style of Nehemiah, author Dr. R. Zarwulugbo Liberty proposes a paradigm shift back to Godly leadership as exemplified by Nehemiah, who: Pays attention to details (Neh 1: 1-3). Cares for his people and country (Neh 1: 3). Loves God (Neh 1: 4) with all his heart, soul, mind, strength, and loves his neighbor as himself (Mk 12: 30-31). Prays persistently (Neh 1: 4-11) and fears God in all that he does. Establishes a genuine relationship with God (Neh 1: 5). Serves God and his people with a servants heart and takes personal responsibility (Neh 1: 5-6). Obeys Gods command and has the ability to repent (Neh 1: 6-7). Knows and applies Gods Word in every condition (Neh 1: 8-9). Believes in Gods great power of redemption (Neh 1: 10). Serves on Gods mission with excellence and respects authority (Neh 2: 1-2).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
Church neighbor paradigm leaders proposes