Tacit Knowledge Capture A Quality Management Imperative for Attainment of Operational Excellence


Tacit Knowledge Capture A Quality Management Imperative for Attainment of Operational Excellence


468 円 (税抜き)

About This Book: Knowledge loss forced organizations to develop knowledge capture programs. Yet captured knowledge proved deficient in quality, due in part to lack of integration of quality management throughout the capture process. This book presents the outcome of a case study that explored the impact of integrating quality management into the tacit knowledgecapture process. The study framed around Polanyis theory of tacit knowing proves the perfect management companion. From a social perspective, implementation of a model that encompasses personality and quality could improve the decision-making process. Book Review: This book presents the outcome of a case study investigation of quality problems associated with learning tacit knowledge. Using qualitative methods, Dr. Dzekashu finds through the study that focusing on human development needs and quality control in knowledge transmittal mitigates quality degradation issues associated with transmitting tacit knowledge. These findings provide important implications for managers seeking to maintain critical and quality mass of organizational knowledge in the face of a rapidly aging workforce. Hermann A. Ndofor, PhD, assistant professor, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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