Acupuncture Revolution The Science and Healing Power of Acupuncture


Acupuncture Revolution The Science and Healing Power of Acupuncture


1,144 円 (税抜き)

Does acupuncture work, and if so, how? Is there scientific research to validate acupunctures effects? What are its benefits? Can children be treated with acupuncture? Does it replace or complement conventional Western medicine? Does acupuncture really help with fertility? What does acupuncture treat and how can you use it for your health? Acupuncture, highlighted for its ability to relieve pain, remains a mystery to most of us in the West. Originating in ancient China over two-thousand years ago, its in need of a contemporary explanation for todays patients. How can placing small needles in different parts of the body lead to healing? Many common ailments are the result of long-standing imbalances: pain, fatigue, chronic sinus congestion, allergies, infertility, diabetes, high blood pressure, and digestive problems. Learn how acupuncture effectively treats the source of these symptoms, helping your body heal itself. Acupuncture Revolution provides the bridge between the ancient practice of acupuncture and modern medicine, and shows you how to use italong with other forms of treatmentfor your health. Holistic health care is not the rejection of conventional Western medicine; it is learning to use multiple approaches, each in the right way and at the right time, to support your health and wellness. The unique ability of acupuncture to restore balance and promote self-healing makes it an ideal complement to Western medicine. Learn where acupuncture comes from, how it views illness, what we know about it scientifically, what conditions it treats, how it heals and how to use it together with conventional medicine.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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treats illness imbalances together common