New-Dimensional Thought Technology The Dawning of a New Civilization


New-Dimensional Thought Technology The Dawning of a New Civilization


468 円 (税抜き)

Even if life has been going well, everything gets turned around, and inevitably, we are unable to live the way we want. But we neednt remain stuck in the world of reversal. Once we recognize this, we can escape it. In New-Dimensional Thought Technology, author Rossco presents a system that makes it possible to fundamentally alter human living, thereby revealing the origin of the true self and the essence of the problem. Its about making a transformational change that is akin to being reborn within our own lifetimes. Rossco shares the discovery of the Miross system and its practical application whereby a human can go back to the life source and consciously formulate a new life by performing a complete reset. This allows both adults, who have already experienced lifes twists and turns, and especially children, whose lives are still uncomplicated, to directly awaken their individual abilities. New-Dimensional Thought Technology shows how Miross can be the ultimate measure of conscious evolution with the capacity to eliminate all problems and create a society of absolute peace.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
problem abilities adults essence consciously