Twelve Steps Business Executives Can Take to Survive the Next Recession in Terms of Organizational Restructuring


Twelve Steps Business Executives Can Take to Survive the Next Recession in Terms of Organizational Restructuring


468 円 (税抜き)

Leaders who participate in organizational restructuring know the difficulty involved in the process of finding the most successful solution. This book offers twelve steps for helping the organization to prepare for the next recession in terms of organizational restructuring. These twelve steps are valuable tips and insights to help todays leaders. In the book you will find the importance of understanding and recognizing the impact of organizational restructuring and better ways to usher in change. The book provides a space at the end of each step for you to reflect on what insight you gained and to make your own notes. The book provides a framework for you to integrate your own thoughts as you embark on such a significant journey with your organization.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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