A Portrait of a Visionary Trans Human and His Work


A Portrait of a Visionary Trans Human and His Work


468 円 (税抜き)

Prepare yourself for a rough ride into the end of this century. It will be dramatic, bloody, and mind-boggling. The world crisis and conflicts will deepen due to the pressure of growing populations, the scarcity of resources, pollution, and climate change. This chaos will result in some losers among them democracy, liberal humanism, and human rights. They will get their wings cut off and wont play a major role in the future to come. The winners will probably go for a new global faith and democrature, sustainable policies, upgraded humans, and trimmed-up civilization. This transformation is inevitable if we wish to grant our progenies a fair chance to prevail and evolve further beyond our semiprimitive stage. Almost all human beings consider Homo sapiens to be indispensable, but this is a plain delusion. Since there is only one thing that is certain, everything is temporary, these views show the built-in limitations of human reasoning and long-term thinking. The future of intelligent life lies beyond us!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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climate beings scarcity -boggling evolve