Battle Cry Thirty-Day Devotional Discover the Life-Changing Power of Intentional Thinking


Battle Cry Thirty-Day Devotional Discover the Life-Changing Power of Intentional Thinking


452 円 (税抜き)

WHAT IS YOUR BATTLE CRY? What does it mean to shout a battle cry? And, is making a proclamation, even a loud one, enough? A battle cry is an announcement built on truth and designed to inspire you into both greater belief and action. It requires you to know and think the truth. Ephesians 4:23 says … “to be made new in the attitude of your mind.” This is the heart of intentional thinking. Everyday you have a choice. Are you going to speak life or death into your heart, mind, relationships, situations, and future? Understanding how to speak truth into your life and embrace the power to stand on those truths are key to overcoming and walking in your kingdom destiny! Armed with the truth you can shout your Battle Cry! This devotional will teach you nine powerful statements, Battle Cries, designed to build your faith and ignite your heart to overcome! You will be challenged to take a look at how you are thinking, encouraged to align yourself with the perspective of heaven, and empowered to walk in the grace and freedom of the cross! Warrior on! As a priest wanting my people to come to God’s Word for guidance, I will recommend Battle Cry. This devotional is soundly based on scripture and great for trials everyday life brings. I have found it be a great inspiration. ーMonsignor Craig Harrison, Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church We believe Battle Cry will move you from thinking and praying in theory to activated studying and prayer that will lead you to real transformation. ーSenior Pastor & Mrs. Russ & Morgan Chambers of Hingepoint Church画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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