How the Grandmas and Grandpas Saved Christmas, yet Again Book Iii


How the Grandmas and Grandpas Saved Christmas, yet Again Book Iii


468 円 (税抜き)

Disaster at the Pole Year after year, Christmas happens as predicted, but not this year. This spring, the weather was very warm at the North Pole, causing unusual climate conditions. While Santa was away on a robot-buying trip, disaster strikes Crystal Valley. The inventory of manufactured toys, gadgets, and gizmos is totally destroyed, and the elves were lucky to save themselves and the reindeer. With six months to Christmas, Santa needs help and sends out an SOS, save our shop. Grandmas and grandpas from around the world respond to save Christmas yet again. Hold on tight, lots of up and downs with an unusual happy ending.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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climate predicted spring respond weather