The Betrayal Haiti in the Shadows of the United States of America’S Foreign Policy Debacle in the Last Decades


The Betrayal Haiti in the Shadows of the United States of America’S Foreign Policy Debacle in the Last Decades


468 円 (税抜き)

There is a thought that has been attributed to the Haitian Molire, or Alcibiade: All countries are developing while Haiti is enveloping. When one reads the following 1903 letter written by the nationalist physician Dr. Rosalvo Bobo, it could be easy to swear it was just written a minute ago. It is hard to believe since its independence was officially declared on January 1, 1804, that not much has changed in Haiti. Indeed, not much has changed. The following letter is a vibrant testimony to our societal stagnation and to our national degradation, both of which are symptomatic of the sum of our individual failures as citizens. Nations do not fail. Their citizens fail them. Personal successes are irrelevant to concerned citizens. Haiti has sadly become a country without elites. Most, alas, have become pitiful racketeers.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changed vibrant successes Rosalvo Haitian