Interwoven: Stories of an Itinerant Soul


Interwoven: Stories of an Itinerant Soul


211 円 (税抜き)

Our brief journey through this life is not without purpose, though many of us give little thought as to what that purpose might be. There are some, however, who are not content with just passing through but must know a reason why. All of us, seekers and non-seekers alike, are here for a reason; this is not just a random existence, and we have not found ourselves here because of some god’s whim. Even if we never truly come to terms with our being on this earth, never find that ultimate answer, we are always on the look-out for hints as to why. The stories in this book are samples of those hints. Not hints doled out by someone who has the answer, but little ideasーpossibilitiesーsuggested by a fellow seeker. Perhaps someone may find a connection to the little essays contained herein and use them in some small way to understand life. They provide no completion; they are birds come to the feeder, providing just a glimpse of what all of nature is like. There is a theme that runs through all these essays. We are not on this journey alone. It is our relationship with others that sets the tone of our lifeーit is the interaction that forces us, and allows us, to grow. And that growth is not just a personal one but is, more importantly, a spiritual one. If the incidents of these stories are looked at as an incentive to spiritual growth, then they have served their purpose. The question may have arisen in the minds of some over the course of their lives, if we are here for spiritual growth, growth to what end? Why must we grow spiritually? If the spiritual life is not an end in itself, then the growth we secure, the good we do for others, the suffering we overcome, must have a higher purpose. As I have heard said, we are not here because we have nothing better to do. We have not been given life simply to try to make it through to death without experiencing too much pain. We will have pain. We will suffer. But the significance of our life is not in how much we can endure. The significance of our spiritual growth lies in our answer to this question, “Have we become worthy of God?” Our only goal, our only task, our ultimate reason for our life, is to reunite with our God. All that we have done in this life, or any other life, for good or for evil, brings us closer to, or drives us farther from, our Creator. We are creations of His and are destined someday to return to Him. Sadlyーno, more than sadlyーtragically, we have lost our way. Yet, He waits patiently for His errant children to return. These are stories, then, about that return. Many of them contain quotes from The Council, and all of them have as their basis the spiritual truths provided by The Council, the same truths provided to mankind by all true spiritual sources. The Council, a gathering of souls in the heavenly realms who are in the final stage of their journey to reunion with God, have provided the spiritual insights that have inspired the stories here. The author is eternally indebted to them and to William LePar through whom they communicated to the material manifestation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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