The Orvis Guide to Leaders, Knots, and Tippets A Detailed, Streamside Field Guide To Leader Construction, Fly-Fishing Knots, Tippets and More


The Orvis Guide to Leaders, Knots, and Tippets A Detailed, Streamside Field Guide To Leader Construction, Fly-Fishing Knots, Tippets and More


1,877 円 (税抜き)

Every fly fisher knows how crucial leader construction and knot tying are. But with continual changes in line technology, what served as effective leader and tippet connections a decade ago might not be optimal now. By updating the original Orvis Streamside Guide to Leaders, Knots, and Tippets, this handy take-along book addresses the technical issues surrounding leaders and connections in relation to state-of-the-art line materials and types, and details the best overall knots for fly-line connections. Staying connected to the fish just got easier!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changes leaders relation >Orvis decade