The Entire Endtime Sequence As Foretold by Jesus Christ


The Entire Endtime Sequence As Foretold by Jesus Christ


548 円 (税抜き)

In recent times, many people have come to realize that this world is approaching its end. Most believe that GOD is in control of how it will end, and they are right! Not only is GOD in control, He has a Master Endtime Plan for this earth and its peoples. Moreover, in His Holy Word, the Bible, GOD has described His plan; He has described it very clearly and in great detail. This book desribes the entire Endtime Scenario, making it so simple anyone can understand it. It reviews the scriptures that describe each major Endtime happening and other scriptures that explicitly define the chronological sequence for those happenings. It identifies several calendar timelines within the scriptures that measure the precise times between various Endtime happenings. To give confidence in its conclusions, it identifies four separate sets of Scriptures that clearly define the sequence for the events that will lead to CHRIST'S return and the Christian Rapture/Ressurection. Everyone, even those who are not familiar with either the Bible or the Christian theology, should easily understand this book. They will understand the entire Endtime Scenario that JESUS CHRIST foretold, the major happenings that will take place, the sequence in which they will happen, and the specific scriptures that describe all these things. Moreover, they will understand how all of these things relate to GOD'S Covenants and His labors of the past 6000 years. They will see that all of the Endtime happenings are just the grand finale of those labors. Most importantly, each reader will not only allow what is going to happen in the Endtimes, he or she will know how they can control their own eternal destiny.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
easily foretold >Everyone identifies Christian