Every Life Is a Story That Deserves to Be Told True Stories About Life’S Ups and Downs


Every Life Is a Story That Deserves to Be Told True Stories About Life’S Ups and Downs


468 円 (税抜き)

Harold left home with eighteen dollars in his pocket, driving a car with no reverse, with very little education, a speech problem, he could not read or write, yet he is now worth close to a million dollars. You might ask, How did he accomplish this? Every Life Is a Story That Deserves to Be Told is a book that will take you on a journey from the 1940s to the current day. Join Harold in the true story of his life. In order to fully understand how he got where he is today, you must first see where he has been. Each story in this book is memorable; some of these stories will make you laugh, while others may make you cry. This book truly encompasses everyday life and the ups and downs that go along with it. It is an inspiring look at life, love, and overcoming the challenges each of us must face. It is a book for those who never give up and never back down, and also for those who believe that life is a gift that should not be squandered or wasted. These stories will resonate with all readers. Readers crave something tangible and realsomething that leaves an impression long after the pages are read and the cover is closed. This is that type of book!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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