Rum Fizzes, Mid-Wives and a 30/30 Shot


Rum Fizzes, Mid-Wives and a 30/30 Shot


1,320 円 (税抜き)

Three generations of a family are affected in some way by the life and deaths of children in the town of Fleming. And how each generation handles the responsibility is totally unique. Grandma Winny returned from her world of freedom to be protected by the man she loves. She never realized that her man, Grandpa Roan, took his responsibility as a husband and father serious and then end up dying during the Gunfight in Rails. Mother, Grandma Winnys daughter, helped the poor citizens of Fleming, she helped birth their babies, but she could not control her emotions when she found herself believing that she was responsible for someone elses untimely death, on a mountain road, to a hit and run deer. Malcolm and Taylor each grew up taking over a part of their mothers persona. One through finance and the other through medical treatment, but no one could imagine to what lengths Taylor, a non-licensed Veterinarian, would go to protect the women and babies of Fleming. And if you go to Taylors to play Poker, stay away from the Rum Fizzes.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
daughter Fizzes deaths Grandpa Taylor