Know Thy Law Book 1: the Amendments


Know Thy Law Book 1: the Amendments


1,144 円 (税抜き)

Know Thy Law Book 1: The Amendments is the first of a three series volume of books, focused on history and the law. In this installment, each one of the amendments in the constitution are analyzed from the point of view of two spirits; who are trying to teach a young man the law. The amendments are analyzed through stories, scenarios, historic guest appearances and much more. Know Thy Law was an absolute surprise. Reading and understanding the US Constitution is usually reserved for those seeking a career in law and can be downright intimidating to the average reader, however, George Trim is such a skillful storyteller that he makes you forget that youre actually learning invaluable information most people go through life unaware of, but something that can make such a profound difference in a myriad of circumstances. This book has the very real potential to benefit every single person that resides in this country, whose rights and/or responsibilities may come into question at some point in their lives. It is my hope that everyone makes it a priority to secure his or her very own copy of this book. Karen Bailey, Paraprofessional In this classic Know Thy Law, the author George Trim is not afraid to go to certain levels to capture and explain each amendment in the U.S. constitution. It is true genius the way Mr. Trim channels the spirit of righteousness of Malcolm X and Medgar Evers to reach and turn the unconscious to the conscious. It is very enlightening the way Mr. Trim gives lessons on history, metaphysics and Kemetic science while at the same time giving the reader an overstanding of all amendments. With a touch of sarcasm that Mr. Trim uses, he gives Know Thy Law a feel of entertainment while being very informative to the reader at the same time, showing that learning can be fun. Without a doubt, this classic should be in every school, library and home. Know Thy Law is a must have and gem to the conscious community because knowledge of the law and how it is used is an essential tool for liberation of the people. HOTEP!!!!! Ian Kane, Metaphysician画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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enlightening sarcasm history usually invaluable