Dealing with Andrew Progression of a Child with 22Q13 Deletion, or Phelan Mcdermid Syndrome


Dealing with Andrew Progression of a Child with 22Q13 Deletion, or Phelan Mcdermid Syndrome


1,144 円 (税抜き)

As a mom dealing with my son's diagnosis and treatments has been a rough road. I am sure there are many parents that have struggled more than I have. It is so harshly treated in our society that children with disabilities is a taboo. I truly see having a child with disabilities as a blessing. I have become more aware of my surroundings and of my own conciousness. I certainly learned how to cope with society and my childs disability. It isn't the children that need to learn it's us who need to learn what their needs are. I am definately a stronger individual and I am aware of all life has to offer. There are many promising methods I have come accross that failed but I didn't give up on my child. I have learned to have unconditional love, faith in helping my child, and hope for a way to deal with my own emotions. -Carmen R. Villareal BBA, EMT-1画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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having failed harshly become children