Taking Authority over the Flesh Your Body, His Temple


Taking Authority over the Flesh Your Body, His Temple


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Have you ever thought about how much time we waste doing the same thing over and over again? Have you ever thought about how year after year youre spinning you wheels trying to overcome that one thing that has had you bound for 20 years? If youve had a red flag to go up, you recognize that you need to quit but not understanding how to quite you just stop for a season and soon as that temptation raises its ugly head you fall back into the arms of that thing, and the cycle starts all over again. Are you addicted to something and your heart desire is to quite? The answer to all that you need is in your loving and trusting a God that youve never seen. Nothing worth having is ever free, but at least you did not have to give your life or the life of your son for the freedom that youre seeking. God has taken care of that for you and me. The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is just what you need. We dont have to wander in the wilderness any longer we can go in and possess the Land thats flowing with plenty; in this case, its our mind. Yes, that is exactly what I said we need to possess the promised land of our mind. We have to declare like Joshua declared, we are able to go up and take the country and possess the land from Jordan to the sea, though the giants may be there our way to hinder, God has given us the victory. Amen. Man struggle day after day seeking to find a way to escape from the conditions of their lives, not understanding that God from the foundation of the world have already designed a plan for those who will receive His protection and provision for their lives. He tells us that whosoever will let them come, that encompasses a multitude. Jesus is the Good Shepherd in the natural the shepherd looks out for the well-fair of the sheep. Much more will the Father of the Shepherd look out for those who trust in Him. We live in a world where Adam gave his authority to Satan and now Satan is the god of this world. Even so, we have been given authority (by God) to put our flesh under subjection to our spirit. But if your mind is constantly on evil things it is impossible for your spirit to be in control of your body, therefore we have to renew our mind with the word of God. In so doing we give our spirit man authority over our flesh and that comes from each individual taking authority over their mind. Our mind is like an oven if you dont take the time to turn it on nothing is going to get done. I beseech you brothers and sisters by the mercies of God that YOU present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, which is YOUR reasonable (You owe Him) service. For many years in my life I felt alone even though I came from a family of eleven siblings. When I had time and was not working in the fields I would spend hours along writing stories and poems. Later in life when I went off to college there was always someone playing cards in the student union and I got pulled into participating so that I would not appear anti-social but that wasnt my cup of tea either. I later married a made from Chicago that was on a tour of duty in Germany, so in my last year of college I got married and a couple of days later my then husband was off to Germany and I had to wait for paper work to be completed before I joined him. Weeks later I was off to Germany traveling alone to a country I had only seen on TV. I was all of 20 and on my way to another country alone to be reunited to a man I had only really known one month. While in Germany I would have these dreams of scary things holding me down and I was unable to get up, although I was awake. On one occasion I was able to call home and I explained the incident to my Father and his reply, those are demon spirit riding your back coming to oppress you. He said, what you need to do is when that happens again call on the name of Jesus and keep calling until they let you lose. Im like thanks dad, Im over here hundreds of miles from home and you tell me this画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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