Hammer Is a Word: One Man's Plight on 9/11 and Beyond


Hammer Is a Word: One Man's Plight on 9/11 and Beyond


468 円 (税抜き)

Late one evening in the fall of 2005, just twenty minutes outside of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, a thirty-seven-year-old man takes a break from Coldplay to go outside his trailer on a farmer's field only to find out he is not alone. There was something floating a mere hundred feet or so just above him. It was the classic case of alien visitation, only there was nothing to suggest it was actually alien . . . just alien to him. Indeed it looked more like an Area 51 project gone astray. There were two of them, both identical and jet-black except for lights, extremely stealthy looking and totally silent. It wouldn't be the last time Mr. Anderson would come face-to-face with the paranormal. Something about their behavior seemed to be telling him that it was just "somebody's mistake" and to just go back inside the house and forget he had seen anything . . . trouble was . . . he didn't forget! He starts to wonder about his French speaking skills. Next morning he awoke to Sarah McLachlan's rendition of Black Bird.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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thirty skills -black rendition forget