Osgood’S Luck: a Tale of the Grasslands


Osgood’S Luck: a Tale of the Grasslands


452 円 (税抜き)

Osgood is one lucky and curious little kangaroo-like animal. This unique critter inhabits Americas grasslands, hopping on back legs, stuffing plant food into cheek pouches, and is only the size of a kids fist. As a young kangaroo rat, he faces adventures and challenges when he leaves the family nest. He must quickly learn about the complex web of many night creatures outside. From the small but deadly grasshopper mouse to the strong and cunning coyote, Osgood and his family encounter surprises from these and other nocturnal (night) animals. Over time Osgood hones his survival skills since he is a night dweller too.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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grasslands pouches challenges skills nocturnal