The Education of a Teacher Lessons Learned from 33 Years in the Trenches


The Education of a Teacher Lessons Learned from 33 Years in the Trenches


548 円 (税抜き)

The humorous stories, challenges, and wisdom from a long career in education are shared on these pages. The Education of a Teacher is a close-up look into the motives and actions of teachers, coaches, administrators, students, and parents. Steckler gives a detailed account of the successes and failures of the current system. We have all had teachers who made a positive impact on us. We are eternally grateful for the ones that were most effective. Their creativity, methods, personalities, and dedication are chronicled here. The many changes in discipline, funding, testing, and technology have fundamentally reorganized the educational landscape. The consequences of these changes are explained and appraised. This is a story of how our education has shaped our lives and helped determine our futures. The burden of high-stakes testing, new legislation, and budget shortfalls are examined in straightforward terms. Choosing a career in education is justified from a variety of perspectives. Education is the ultimate occupation in public service. It is hoped that students will be inspired by this book to pursue a career in teaching and existing teachers will gain insight into why they are so valuable to society.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
successes changes justified actions testing