Pride, Prejudice & Pleasure


Pride, Prejudice & Pleasure


484 円 (税抜き)

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett. The untold, steamy hot story… While staying at Hunsford Parsonage, Miss Elizabeth ("Lizzy") Bennet befriends the clever and provocative Abby Trenwith, a woman dedicated to enlightening others in the pleasures of the flesh. Intrigued, Lizzy agrees to receive an education from a mentor appointed by her new friend. Little does she know that her masked mentor is the arrogant Mr. Darcy, a man who ruined her sister's prospects for marital happiness. Darcy, a longtime friend of Abby, is desperately looking for a way to take his mind off the clever and captivating Elizabeth Bennett. His identity hidden, Darcy accepts his new charge from Abby but finds that the new prot?g? is remarkably similar in mannerism to Miss Elizabeth. When he discovers that his student and his obsession are one in the same, Darcy is torn between desire and obligation. Should he risk everything for a distant chance at something more? PRIDE, PREJUDICE & PLEASURE is a steamy historical romance that puts an unexpected twist on literature's most famous couple. If you like sultry chemistry, Regency trappings, and new takes on classic characters, then you'll love this super sexy retelling. Get PRIDE, PREJUDICE & PLEASURE for a fun and sexy Regency read!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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desperately pleasures mannerism accepts Regency