Jack London Six Pack The Call of the Wild, White Fang, A Day’s Lodging, John Barleycorn, Love of Life and Hobos in the Night


Jack London Six Pack The Call of the Wild, White Fang, A Day’s Lodging, John Barleycorn, Love of Life and Hobos in the Night


145 円 (税抜き)

Jack London (1876-1916) lived a short life over a hundred years ago but is still one of the most widely read and translated authors in the world. His The Call of the Wild and White Fang are studied in schools and universities wherever English is spoken. And a new generation of eBook readers has discovered and embraced other less well-known works by London such as Love of Life and John Barleycorn. Six of London’s best pieces are gathered in Jack London Six Pack, a digital delight for fans of London’s work and of classic American literature in general. Jack London Six Pack The Call of the Wild White Fang A Day’s Lodging John Barleycorn Love of Life Hobos That Pass in the Night. Digital edition includes original illustrations and links to free unabridged audio recordings of selected works.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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